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Before The Cross & After The Tomb

All Christendom will celebrate ‘Easter’ this month to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection after the crucifixion. But the Word tells us that Jesus was the slain from the very creation1, the price of sin was determined, the plan devised and contract was set before it was ever needed. In fact, God is so very detailed and intentional, that He planned out a payment that would be a graphic illustration of the cancellation of the curse. It is so graphically displayed that the Word says Jesus made a public spectacle of Satan and publicly paraded mankind as trophies of victory!2 Often it is described as salvation, “heaven after you die,” but it is so, so much more. Let’s look at it closely.

God doesn’t have the same value or currency system that humans have. He deals in life, blood. The scripture says that life is in blood, and blood has a voice and blood is demanded as payment for life.3 The Old Testament temple and sacrifices were representations of this. Every drop of Jesus blood was shed intentionally, every wound was for a specific reason that had already been planned and documented. Pilate didn’t decide where or how Jesus’ would be wounded, the Roman soldiers didn’t randomly extract His blood, nor was it simply incidental. The wounds were purposely inflicted and blood specifically shed to buy back humanity and re-create it in the original image of God. 4

In the Old Testament, the high priest was instructed to cleanse the articles in the inner chamber--the Holy of Holies, the very Mercy Seat--in the cloud of God’s presence. The priest took the blood of the sin sacrifice animals and shook it over the mercy seat seven times to cleanse, make atonement and consecrate5. From our vantage point in history, we can correlate this to Jesus’ death generally, and specifically. Jesus spilled His blood in seven specific ways to fulfill the sacrificial representations of the Mosaic Law.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus agonized over the plan He knew to be God’s will for Him. The Bible says He sweated great drops as of blood6. In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam surrendered his will to Lucifer and the curse began; in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus struggled in agony and surrendered His will to God, and the curse began to break. Mankind would be able to once again have the image God intended; the born-again believer would have access to the fellowship of righteousness with God. What the first Adam lost for all of mankind, the last Adam, Jesus, bought back for all of mankind.7

At the whipping post, Jesus was flogged. This was a part of all Roman executions with just a few exceptions. Most people have heard of the cruelty and severity of a Roman flogging, the assault on the flesh, tearing the skin and muscles; but the simple fact that the scourging was foretold made it clear that His death would occur in exactly this time period and in Roman culture, not the typical “stoning” that Jewish law would have inflicted. The blood loss at floggings was excessive. Isaiah tells us that Jesus’ scourging bought our physical healing. The Psalmist declares forgiveness of sin and healing of all diseases as benefits enjoyed by God’s people. Jesus equated forgiveness of sin with physical healing. Physical healing was a part of the Mosaic covenant, and it’s a part of the born-again believer’s blood-bought deal.8

The Roman soldiers made crown of thorns, this was NOT a normal part of the crucifixion process, although mockery was common. But Satan’s cruel and vindictive nature played directly into his own undoing. The thorny symbols of the curse on the earth and Adam’s curse regarding toil just to live by the “sweat of your brow” were pushed onto Jesus’ brow, drawing blood. The curse on the earth to withhold from man, that caused mankind labor and toil, was revoked with a covenant sealed in Jesus’ blood. God’s covenant promises to provide abundantly, so much that it cannot be contained, enough to share with others, was inked with blood.9

It was common practice for soldiers to taunt and beat convicts during the preliminaries before execution and the gospels record that this was what happened to Jesus. Luke tells us Jesus was beaten by the mob prior to Pilate’s inquisition as well. He was punched and slapped. Isaiah says He “has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;“ was “stricken, smitten….He was bruised or crushed for our iniquities.” Bruising is internal bleeding, hidden under the skin, not usually visible immediately; but it is spilled blood nonetheless. Iniquity is a type of sin that may not be readily seen, often a moral fault or perversity, with far reaching, long term impact; the word denotes guilt carried—sometimes through generations-- and punishment. Life-long struggles can be caused by the moral faults or learned negative behaviors of influences in our environment. Mental, emotional and physical ailments along with griefs and sorrows can be the results of this type of sin and guilt—on the sinner and those affected by the sin. Jesus’ bled specifically to break that curse, forgive iniquities and heal the invisible and visible results of iniquity.10

The hands are representative of power, authority. Under the Mosaic Law, the hands and feet of the priests were holy, cleansed with water and sanctified with blood. In the Old Testament, fathers would lay their hands on their children convey blessings or transfer sin. Jesus raised His hands to bless His disciples. Moses’ raised hands won a battle. The false god Dagon was stripped of authority (represented by hands and head) in the presence of God. Both Testaments use the term “holy hands.” In the New Testament, believers’ hands have power and authority over sickness and evil spirits along with use as a conduit for the baptism of the Holy Spirit; believers are told not to lay hands on people suddenly. The Mosaic Law and covenant promised “The LORD your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all the work of your hands.” Jesus gave believers’ hands the prosperity of the old covenant and additional authority in dealing with sickness through the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ new covenant of authority is expanded and better and God sealed it in His own blood.11

Feet represented dominion. The first Adam was given dominion over the earth and its beasts--including the serpent. Jesus quoted the 110st Psalm about putting enemies under His feet, as does Peter and the writer of Hebrews; both references evoke the original curse to the serpent. Moses and Joshua were both promised dominion for Israel in every place they set their foot. The shadow of the Mosaic Law for the Aaronic priesthood of cleansing with water and sanctifying with blood is again represented here. Jesus had cleansed His disciples’ feet just a few hours before the sanctifying blood was shed from His own feet. And in shedding that blood, He gained victory over the enemy for mankind, crushing Satan under the feet of the blood-bought children of God.12

The final place that Jesus shed His blood was from His pierced side. Isaiah says “He was pierced for our transgressions”. Transgression is sin of rebellion or faithlessness. It is not an accidental sin. It is sin that is known in the sinner’s heart to be wrong. David, a “man after God’s own heart,” links broken hearts and spirits with contrite hearts and spirits, and calls these “the sacrifices of God” that precede forgiveness. Faithless human hearts need to be broken in complete repentance on the Cornerstone before the cleansing blood can complete its work and produce the new, healed heart. Many Bible scholars believe Jesus literally died of a broken heart evidenced by His loud cry at death and the spear’s resulting watery blood. Jesus proclaimed He was sent to ”bind up the broken hearted” and heal them. This is a picture of the sinner who is truly ‘broken’ over their sin. Although the blood/water mixture was spilled after Jesus’ death, it was released internally at His death. Jesus said “rivers of living water will flow from within" His believers, speaking of the Holy Spirit that would be poured out on all flesh because of His death. This is a beautiful detail John includes from his first-hand, up-close witness testimony, and the symbolism in the seventh place Jesus shed His blood is profound.13

His death bought us life with the Father after death but His wounds in His flesh before His death bought us life, healing, provision, blessing and fellowship with the Father in our flesh and life on earth before death. All the benefits covered in the Old Covenant are still covered in the New. But the New Covenant adds the most significant benefit of all. 14

The shadows of the Old Testament Levitical rituals regarding cleansing from sickness, ordination of high priests, and guilt, sin and atonement sacrifices included water washing, application of blood and anointing with oil. Baptisms of repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ atoning blood are frequently rolled into one event in today’s Christian culture and viewed as the complete work. But the cleansing of water and blood in the Old Testament were preparatory work for the anointing step or receiving God’s Holy Spirit. Anointing in Old Testament was used for prophets and kings as well as the Levitical cleansing rituals, and oil is recognized as representative of God’s Holy Spirit. This is a critical finalization of the three-part process and Jesus admonished His followers to do nothing until this necessary and empowering anointing took place.15

It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that is the crème de la crème of Jesus’ life and death. This oft overlooked third part is what makes the New Covenant superior to the old covenant. The baptism of Holy Spirit that John the Baptist spoke about coming from the Messiah was superior to John’s baptism. The Law of the Spirit is life, the former law was death. But just like John preceded Jesus, paving the way with water baptism for the blood cleansing of Jesus’ death, Jesus’ resurrection had to precede the release of the Holy Spirit baptism. The promised release of the Spirit of God was signified by the tearing of the temple curtain at Jesus’ death. Jesus took the Spirit the Father gave Him and now generously shares the Spirit with His followers. The Spirit once confined to the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies has now been released so followers of Jesus can have the same unity with the Father that He enjoyed. The Holy Spirit is the presence of Jesus with the believer, just like His presence with His disciples calming a stormy sea and feeding hungry masses and healing all who asked, but even better now.16

It is not a coincidence that God’s presence, signified by a cloud of fragrant smoke, resides over the Ark--covered by the Mercy Seat or atonement cover--holding the Law in both the heavenly and earthly temples. The earthly configuration was consistent with the heavenly temple. God’s glory fills the heavenly sanctuary much like it did the earthly sanctuary. And it is not a coincidence that in both representations, the location of God’s presence is at the atonement cover residing over the law. The ‘law’ is also mandatory for the Holy Spirit to reside in the believer. Obedience is foundational to God’s presence. Jesus made this clear when He said, “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.” Obedience is directly connected to receiving the Holy Spirit. Jesus displayed obedience in baptism by John, even though He was greater than John, a fact not lost on John. True love of Jesus produces obedience, the evidence of His cleansing blood at work purifying the heart (soul, mind, conscience, will, and emotions), making ready for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The believer will not be occupied by the indwelling Holy Spirit without the preparatory cleansing of the blood sacrifice. The believer must truly humble himself, admit his inability to conquer sin, his willingness to submit obediently to the cleansing blood and he must obediently pursue a love relationship with a holy and loving Savior and God. God calls this ‘circumcision’ of the heart, cleansed by His blood to make us a sanctified dwelling place for His Sprit, and then seeking the powerful filling and indwelling presence of that Spirit. God will not be bluffed or hoodwinked into releasing His Spirit into an unsanctified vessel.17

The lack of purity and power in the corporate church is evidence that the third step of the covenant relationship providing the powerful unity between the Savior and His saved is lacking. Jesus instructed His followers, educated them on the signs and wonders they could expect to see, and told them how to obtain the blessed gift of His own Presence. His graphic display in death provided evidence beyond reproof of His intended covenant outpouring of blessings. Yet statistically, the church is not significantly different than the unchurched nor is it walking in super-natural gifts and blessings. Believers are to be more than conquerors, yet we are falling prey to the works of the one who “comes to steal, kill and destroy” nearly as often as the ungodly. The complete washing, cleansing and indwelling Spirit means believers need not pray without knowing the will of God, or pray in error with wrong motives, or have worldly perspectives instead of the ‘mind of Christ.’ We need not have a “form of godliness but deny its power.” The Spirit is willing if we will but cooperate. 18

Understanding is key: we cannot have life-changing faith in what we do not know or understand. John tells us that our soul (mind, knowledge, understanding) governs our ability to thrive in all other areas, and in the Old Testament the prophets said that lack of knowledge was killing God’s people. The church today is supposed to have all wisdom through the Holy Spirit, yet, like ancient Israel, the church struggles with understanding and often operates impotently. The Spirit is credited with giving the believer many attributes: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, truth, and fear of God to list just a few. The Bible credits Wisdom as being present at creation, in essence part of the Godhead. And like any form of the presence of God, the Holy Spirit and wisdom are tied to obedience and absent in rebellion--intentional or otherwise. The believer must have this Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, the mind of Christ Himself, to discern Truth from partial-truth and deception, to produce the fruit of the Spirit, to operate as the Body of Christ was intended to operate. And just like Jesus, the members of the early church and the five wise virgins, believers must intentionally prepare and set aside other interests to understand, pursue and develop this spiritual relationship.19

Developing or building, by definition, is not an instantaneous event; it is a process. Salvation may be instantaneous but it is nonetheless expected to produce growth and fruit, like a seed that must be nurtured and protected from many outside influences that will try to kill it. This is an inner man process of building, developing, strengthening and growing that the believer participates in by yielding himself to the working of the Spirit. It requires an act of obedience to set aside time: to pray, to learn the Word, time to let the Spirit reveal impurities that must be addressed, to ask for the Spirit who imparts truth and wisdom. It also requires faith to receive the promises God has given. It does NOT require feelings, or emotions; we may not feel like conquerors or righteous receptacles of God’s glory, but this is what we are called to be. The process offers no shortcuts or substitutes for obedience in prioritizing the relationship with God. But God assures the believer that faithfulness in the smallest of things will be honored; that He will give His Spirit to those who seek; that spiritual gifts can and should be attained and built up. This is the persistent knocking, seeking and finding that yields the Holy Spirit.20

God has given us a New Covenant, better than the first. It is sealed seven times with the powerful blood of Jesus; our part is a ‘circumcision’ of the heart--cleansed by His blood to make us a sanctified dwelling place for His Sprit--and then seeking the powerful filling and indwelling presence of that Spirit. The Holy Spirit desires to inhabit the believer and draw the believer into powerful unity with God. The Spirit of Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, not limited to drawing us to God and convicting us of our need for His atoning sacrifice, but filling us and completing us in unity with God. Let’s not stop short of the goal that was purchased for our benefit. This resurrection season, press forward and pursue ALL that Jesus’ accomplished for us before and after His death and resurrection. Jesus’ bought more than salvation after death, He paid it all—a more abundant life for the believer in unity with Himself and the Father—and He inked it with His blood. Let’s not waste such a precious gift acquired at the highest of prices.21

1. The derivation of the name “Easter” is uncertain, but according to Bede (De Ratione Temporum, XV) it is derived from Eastre, a Teutonic spring goddess, to whom sacrifices were offered in April. The pagan festival probably gave way to the Christian celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Ēostre or Ostara is a Germanic goddess who, by way of the Germanic month bearing her name is the namesake of the festival of Easter in some languages. Wkipedia:Ēostre

Revelation 13:8, And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 1 Peter 1:20, He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

2. Colossians 2:14-15, He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; He triumphed over them by Him.

3. 1 Peter 1:18-19, For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

Deuteronomy 12:23, However, by no means eat the blood, for the blood is life itself--you must not eat the life with the meat!

Genesis 4:1, The voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground.

Hebrews 12:2, Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

Leviticus 17:11, For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life.

Genesis 9:4, But you must never eat any meat that still has the lifeblood in it.

Acts 15:20, Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from eating the meat of strangled animals, and from consuming blood.

4. Hebrews 8:5, They serve at a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary. That is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle, “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

Hebrews10:1, The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming--not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.

Colossians 2:17, These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

Romans 8:29, For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son

Colossians 3:10, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

5. Leviticus 4; 16:14, 15, 19, “Moreover, he shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side; also in front of the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.

“Then he shall slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people, and bring its blood inside the veil and do with its blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat and in front of the mercy seat.

With his finger he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it seven times and cleanse it, and from the impurities of the sons of Israel consecrate it.

6. Luke 22:44, And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

7. Romans 5:12-19, Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, . . . . For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people . . . . For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

Romans 8:29, For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers.

Colossians 3:10, And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

1 Corinthians 15:45-50, So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man. I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.

8. Isaiah 52:14, But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.

Isaiah 53: 5, And by his scourging we are healed.

Psalm 103:3, Who heals all your diseases

Mark 2:9-11, Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”

Exodus 15:26, and said, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

Exodus 23:25-26, Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

Deuteronomy 7:14-15, You will be blessed more than any other people; none of your men or women will be childless, nor will any of your livestock be without young. The Lord will keep you free from every disease.

Deuteronomy28:10-13,21-22, And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. . . . .The Lord will make the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land which you are going to possess. The Lord will strike you with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with severe burning fever, with the sword, with scorching, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish.

Matthew 8:16-17, And evening having come, they brought to Him many being possessed with demons, and He cast out the spirits with a word and He healed all those being sick, so that it might be fulfilled that having been spoken through the prophet Isaiah, saying, “He Himself took our infirmities, and bore our diseases.”

Hebrews 8:6, Jesus has been given a priestly work that is superior to the Levitical priests' work. He also brings a better promise from God that is based on better guarantees.

Hebrew 7:22, In this way, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant.

9. Deuteronomy 8:18, But remember the LORD your God, because he is the one who gives you the ability to produce wealth, in order to confirm his covenant that he promised by an oath to your ancestors, as is the case today.

Deuteronomy 23:2, Moreover, all these blessings will come upon you in abundance, if you obey the LORD your God:

Deuteronomy 23:11, The LORD will grant you abundant prosperity

Proverbs 13:22, A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.

John 10:10, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Luke 6:38, Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your lap.

10. Matthew 26:67, Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him.

Matthew 27:30, And they spat on Him, and took the staff and struck Him on the head repeatedly.

Mark 14:65, Then some of them began to spit on Him. They blindfolded Him, struck Him with their fists, and said to Him, "Prophesy!" And the officers received Him with slaps in His face.

Mark 15:19, They kept striking His head with a staff and spitting on Him. And they knelt down and bowed before Him.

Luke 22:63, The men who were holding Jesus began to mock Him and beat Him.

Isaiah 53:4,5, Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. He was crushed for our iniquities;

11. Genesis 48:14, 18, But Israel reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim’s head, though he was the younger, and crossing his arms, he put his left hand on Manasseh’s head, even though Manasseh was the firstborn. . . .Joseph said to him, “No, my father, this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.”

Exodus 17:11, As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.

Luke 24:50, Jesus . . . . lifted up His hands and blessed them.

Exodus 29:15, Take one of the rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.

Leviticus 8:22, He then presented the other ram, the ram for the ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.

1 Samuel 5:4, But when they rose early on the next morning, behold, Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the ark of the LORD, and the head of Dagon and both his hands were lying cut off on the threshold. Only the trunk of Dagon was left to him.

Psalm 134:2, Lift up holy hands in prayer, and praise the LORD.

1 Timothy 2:8, Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or dissension.

1 Timothy 5:22, Lay hands hastily on no one, neither be a participant in other men's sins. Keep yourself pure.

Deuteronomy 15:10, the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.

Deuteronomy 28:8, he LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.

Deuteronomy 30:9, Then the LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands

Mark 6:5, 7, He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. . . . And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits.

Luke 10:1, 8, After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two … and …. told them, “Heal the sick who are there,”

Mark 16:18, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Acts 8:17, Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Acts 9:17, So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 19:6, When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.

12. Genesis 1:28, God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”

Matthew 22:44, "'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet."'

Psalm 110:1, The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet."

Acts 2:34-35, For David did not ascend into heaven, but he himself says: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, 35until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.’

Hebrews 1:13, To which of the angels did God ever say, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"?

Hebrews 10:13-14, and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool. For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

Genesis 3:15, And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Deuteronomy 2:5, Do not provoke them to war, for I will not give you any of their land, not even enough to put your foot on.

Deuteronomy 11:24, Every place where you set your foot will be yours:

Joshua 1:3, I will give you every place where you set your foot

Exodus 29:20, Slaughter it, take some of its blood and put it on the lobes of the right ears of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet.

Exodus 30:18, Aaron and his sons are to wash their hands and feet

2 Samuel 22:39, I crushed them completely, and they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet.

Psalm 18:40, You placed my foot on their necks. I have destroyed all who hated me.

Leviticus 8:23,24 Moses slaughtered the ram and took some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot. Moses also brought Aaron’s sons forward and put some of the blood on the lobes of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet.

Romans 16:20, The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

13. Isaiah 53:5, But he was pierced for our transgressions,

1 Samuel 13:14, “the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the LORD's command."

Acts 13:22, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’

Psalm 34:18, The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.

Psalm 51:17, The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Psalm 147:3, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Matthew 21:44, “Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”

Luke 20:18, “Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”

Isaaiah 61:1, He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,

Ezekiel 36:26, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

John 7:37-39, On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Joel 2:28, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

14. Isaiah 53:4-6, Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

15. Hebrews 10:1-4, The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. . . . It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Leviticus 14:1-14, The Lord said to Moses . . . . right hand and on the big toe of their right foot.

Leviticus 16:1-34, The Lord spoke . . . . as the Lord commanded Moses.

Leviticus 8: 1-36, The Lord said . . . . the Lord commanded through Moses.

Acts 1:4, And when they were gathered together, He commanded them: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss.

16. Matthew 27:51, At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

Luke 23:45, The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in the middle.

Matthew 3:11, "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Luke 3:16, John answered them all, "I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Romans 8:2, For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.

Galatians 4:6, And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, "Abba, Father."

Acts 2:33, Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.

John 7:39, He was speaking about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. For the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

John 17:20-23, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

John 17:26, “I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

John 16:7, But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you.

Hebrews 8:6, But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.

Hebrews 8:8, 10, “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel . . . For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Ephesians3:16-18, I pray that he would give you, according to his glorious riches, strength in your inner being and power through his Spirit, and that the Messiah would make his home in your hearts through faith.

17. Exodus 40:34, Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

Leviticus 16:12-13, "He shall take a firepan full of coals of fire from upon the altar before the LORD and two handfuls of finely ground sweet incense, and bring it inside the veil. There in the LORD's presence he will put the incense on the burning coals so that a cloud of incense will rise over the Ark's cover--the place of atonement--that rests on the Ark of the Covenant. If he follows these instructions, he will not die.

2 Chronicles 5:14, 15, then the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, 14so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.

Exodus 25:16, When the Ark is finished, place inside it the stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, which I will give to you.

Exodus 25:21, Place inside the Ark the stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, which I will give to you. Then put the atonement cover on top of the Ark.

Exodus 40:20, He took the stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant and placed them inside the Ark. Then he attached the carrying poles to the Ark, and he set the Ark's cover--the place of atonement--on top of it.

1 Kings 8:9-12, There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb, where the LORD made a covenant with the sons of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. It happened that when the priests came from the holy place, the cloud filled the house of the LORD, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD. Then Solomon said, “The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud.”

Hebrews 8:1-5, Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; thus it is necessary for this priest also to have something to offer. Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.”

Isaiah 6:1-4, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. . . . and the house was filled with smoke.

Revelation 15:5-8, After this I looked, and I saw in heaven the temple—that is, the tabernacle of the covenant law—and it was opened. . . .And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple . . . .

John 14:15-17, 21, 23, “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

John 15:10, If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in His love.

1 John 2:3-6, We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.

1 John 5:3-4, In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world.

2 John 1:6, And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.

1 Peter 1:12, Since you have purified your souls by obedience to the truth, so that you have a genuine love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from a pure heart.

Matthew 3:15, Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented.

John 4:34, "My food," said Jesus, "is to be obedient to Him who sent me, and fully to accomplish His work.

Hebrews 5:8, Even though Jesus was God's Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.

Psalm 51:10, Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Matthew 5:8, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

2 Timothy 2:21-22, So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work. Flee from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Deuteronomy 6:5, Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Jeremiah 29:13, You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 6:33, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Matthew 22:37, Jesus replied, "'You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'

Mark 12:30, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

Jeremiah 9:25-26, “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh— Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab and all who live in the wilderness in distant places. For all these nations are really uncircumcised, and even the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart.”

Colossians 2:11-13, In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ.

Galatians 6:7-8, Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows he will also reap, because the one who sows to his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.

18. John 17:20-23, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.

Acts 1:8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;

Acts 1:4, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.”

Acts 14:12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

Mark 16:17-18, And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Romans 15:18-19, I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done—by the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God.

1 Corinthians 2:4, My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power,

1 Corinthians 12:7, Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Ephesians 3:20, Now to Him who is able to do infinitely more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.

2 Peter 1:3-4, His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Romans 8:37, No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

John 10:10, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Romans 12:2, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Ephesians 5:17, Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Colossians 1:9, For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,

Ephesians 4:21-24 , the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Isaiah 29:13 , The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.

Isaiah 56:11, They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain.

Jeremiah 8: , They cling to deceit; they refuse to return. I have listened attentively, but they do not say what is right. But my people do not know

the requirements of the Lord. The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what kind of wisdom do they have?

Romans 10:3, For they don't understand God's way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God's way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law.

Colossians 2:23, Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

James 4:3, When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives

1 Corinthians 2:16, But we have the mind of Christ.

2 Timothy 3:5, They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.

19. 3 John 1:2, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.

Job 36:12, But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge.

Proverbs 10:21, The lips of the righteous feed many, But fools die for lack of understanding.

Hosea 4:6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge,

1 Corinthians 1:27-30, Not many of you were wise by human standards . . . But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise . . . . It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

1 Corinthians 2:10-16 , these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

James 1:5, If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Isaiah 11:2, And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.

Acts 6:10, But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.

Ephesians 1:17, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Job 28:28, And this is what he says to all humanity: The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.

Proverbs 2:1-10, My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

Proverbs 4:1-7, Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching. . . . “Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

Proverbs 8:22-31 “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be. When there were no watery depths, I was given birth, when there were no springs overflowing with water; before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made the world or its fields or any of the dust of the earth. I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.

Hosea 6:12, But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

Deuteronomy 4:5-6, See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the Lord my God commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it. Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."

Deuteronomy 34:9, Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the LORD had commanded Moses.

Colossians 1:9, For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, Colossians 2:2-3, My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Matthew 25:1-13, “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins . . . . keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

20. Ephesians 4:15-16, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Philippians 2:20, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,

Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15, Parable of the Sower and explanation

Colossians 2:19, They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.

Jude 1:20-21, But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.

1 Corinthians 14:12, Since you are so eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives, seek those that will strengthen the whole church.

2 Thessalonians 1:3, your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.

Matthew 14:23, After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.

Matthew 26:36, Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray."

Mark 6:46, After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.

Luke 11:1, One day in a place where Jesus had just finished praying,

John 16:8, And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:

John 16:13, But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

2 Corinthians 5:7, For we live by faith, not by sight.

Romans 1:17, For the gospel reveals the righteousness of God that comes by faith from start to finish, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.

Romans 8:37, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us

2 Corinthians 5:21, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God.

John 17:22, The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,

Luke 12:47, “And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly.”

Matthew 25:14-28, Luke 19:11-27, Parable of the talents: You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.

Luke 11:15, If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

1 Corinthians 14:12, Therefore, seeing that you are ambitious for spiritual gifts, seek to excel in them so as to benefit the Church.

Luke 11:1-15, One day in a place where Jesus had just finished praying. . . . For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. . . . how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

21. Hebrews 8:6, But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.

Hebrews 12:24, Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

Romans 2:29, circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter.

Hebrews 10:10, And by that will, we have been sanctified through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Hebrews 13:12, So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood.

Romans 8:8-9, You, however, are . . . in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you . . . the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.

Hebrews 12:2, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;

John 17:21, I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.

Philippians 3:14, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.

John 10:10, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

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